Gladiator | Teen Ink


December 2, 2022
By Anonymous

Spoiler Alert (If you have not seen this movie I do not know what to say, Also Do not read this then)


If you ask a majority of people if they have seen the movie Gladiator, all would say yes. This movie is an excellent movie with a surprising twist, the coldest line in movie history; and the transition that Maximus has from being the best general in Rome trusted to become the new caesar to becoming a slave because Commodus was jealous of him becoming Caesar, that he killed his father so that the son could become Caesar; Maximus would then become the gladiator that would eventually kill Commodus for revenge because he killed his family, but Maximus would die in the process from a would to the side that Commodus inflicted before the fight so that he would have an advantage. 

The actors and character development are significant things to take count on to make a legendary movie. Gladiator does all of this really well, they make the character development very well for all characters except one, and that character doesn’t change from the beginning to the end that character is Commodus he doesn’t change at all, which actually makes the movie great because it shows that he was very spoiled and didn’t know how to work and get something for himself because it was just handed to him. This movie is also very good because all of the side characters aren’t just ignored and show character development, which normally doesn’t happen to side characters. 

This movie also does very well with iconic scenes. One of the scenes in the movie is one of the most iconic scenes in all of the movies, and that is “Are you not entertained”. The way this scene goes is perfect from the way that he whooped the other gladiators in seconds to the way he yells at the people watching to the way he exits the stadium it is amazing in every way. 

Overall, this movie was a great movie with legendary scenes, the characters, the development, and the beginning and ending were astonishing. I would recommend this movie very highly to people who want to watch it. 

The author's comments:

I am very fond of this movie.

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