You're a Disease Kevin | Teen Ink

You're a Disease Kevin

February 26, 2024
By GriffinP BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
GriffinP BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
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I used to think about being left at home and needing to defend my house from robbers. Well in Home Alone One that is what Kevin had to do but now in Home Alone Two he gets taken on a different adventure.”There might be spoilers!” Home Alone Two which is one of my favorite movies EVER, is just a great movie and it is exhilarating. With actors like Macaulay Culkin (Kevin),  Daniel Stern (Marv), and Joe Pesci (Harry) are a huge part of why this movie is so good. I will explain parts of the movie such as The Mcallister House, The Airport, and Kevin in New York City. 

  First The Mcalister household. The Mcalister family tradition is to get together every Christmas and go on a big trip. They are a very wealthy family with a big house.  This year they decided to go to Miami. It is usually as chaotic as it was in Home Alone One; The reason is because there are a bunch of kids that argue and fight like Kevin and (Devin Ratray) also known as Buzz. Buzz is a suck-up to his parents, so Kevin always seems to get into trouble. When Kevin gets into trouble he says stuff like he wishes he didn’t have a family. I learned from this movie that if I dont want something to happen I shouldn't say stuff that could happen. Since the parents are not always mature people they slept in again! Now they are rushing to the airport, hopefully in time to make their flight.

  Next, the Mcalisters are at the airport and they are in a HUGE rush once again. Luckily for Kevin he didnt get left again. Kevin borrowed his dad's bag and now he needs to catch up. Kevin thinks he is following his dad, so he follows him on a plane. Later finding out he is not on the right plane. I think it is hilarious because this is their second time leaving him. The first time was bad enough. That is one reason why I like this movie so much, because some of the things that happen are so far-fetched that it would not happen in real life. Kevin does not realize he isn't with his family until he looks around and doesn't see chaos. 

  Last but not least Kevin gets to New York City. Luckily he has his dad's bag because otherwise, he would have no money. Kevin walks to his hotel and the front desk guy (Tim Curry) or Mr. Hector gave him a strange look. Kevin gets brought up to his room by (Rob Schneider) or Cedric. He gets so many room service treats that it is so funny, I wish I could have all those treats. Later Kevin figures out that The Wet Bandits have escaped and are in New York City. Another reason I think this movie is funny and great is because Harry and Marv get outsmarted by Kevin who is ten years old. Kevin meets a pigeon lady (Brenda Fricker) and is scared like he is in The First Home Alone where Kevin is scared of his neighbor. He later finds out that she is very nice. I learned from this movie that People should not judge a book by its cover.

  Finally, My overall review of this movie is that it is amazing. Some reasons are all the actors, Like Macaulay Culkin and Tim Curry. The plot is also great because you know whats going to happen but at the same time you get surprised. Lastly the humor for example, when Harry and Marv are trying to get Kevin they kept getting hit by bricks and just stay there and don’t move. I would recommend everyone to watch this movie, even though it is a holiday movie I still enjoy this movie even when it’s not in season. The whole entire Home Alone franchise is good but Home Alone Two is the best in my opinion. Those are the reasons on why I watch this movie so often. 

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