The Lion King | Teen Ink

The Lion King

April 30, 2024
By 5shaw BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
5shaw BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Growing up my family would take a lot of road trips, being a board young kid my parents let me watch movies. The first time they put The Lion King on we were in the middle of a 22-hour road trip. At first, I was unsure, I would much rather watch the same movie over and over before starting a completely new one. About 20 minutes in I knew that I had found my new favorite movie. 

One of the film's strong suites is the characters, each character is brought to life and as a viewer, you can’t help but fall in love with them. From Mufasfa, a courageous, old soul, to Pumbaa’s high-spirited personality, they leave a lasting impact on the viewer. 

As a cub, Simba’s playful and curious way of life draws the audience in. In the scene where Simba is presented to the animals of Pride Lands, he looks at his surroundings with a wide eye wonder that is both adorable and relatable. seeing a lion cub with just so much curiosity warms your heart. The way he looks at the world reminds me of how kids view the world, carefree, curious, and full of joy. 

Timon and Pumbaa are characters that provide comedic relief. They teach Simba their carefree lifestyle with the song "Hakuna Matata” showing their optimism and friendship.  "Hakuna Matata” is a song that almost everyone knows, but many don’t know what it means Hakuna Matata is Swahili for “there are no troubles” which is a lesson that Simba learns through the song. 

Beyond the characters, the animations of the movie are excellent. The film brings the viewer into the African wilderness, where vivid colors and attention to detail in the background bring the landscapes and wildlife to life. 

This movie teaches young viewers the importance of family, responsibility, identity, and the circle of life. Simba's journey from being a child to a leader was challenging but it teaches kids the importance of responsibility and resilience. When Simba gets chased by the hyenas he panics, and as he runs away from them he falls, you see a look in his eyes that says he wants to give up, but he doesn't and he ends up outrunning them. 

This movie is not just for kids but for anyone, many adults have regrets or feel guilt for something they can’t change, just like Simba, you have to realize that to move forward you have to let go. dwelling on the past can only hold a person back. This movie brings you back to your childhood, where you don’t have any worries when life was easy, and teaches you to sometimes take a step back. 

Overall “The Lion King” remains a masterpiece, whether you are watching it for the first time or rewatching this classic tale of love, perseverance, and redemption it is sure to leave an impact on you. everyone will fall in love with the characters and become invested in the plot.

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