Sherlock Holmes | Teen Ink

Sherlock Holmes

June 6, 2010
By G_Dieffenbach BRONZE, Seattle, Washington
G_Dieffenbach BRONZE, Seattle, Washington
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Sherlock Holmes is a witty, fast paced mystery about an eccentric and brilliant detective, Sherlock Holmes (Robert Downey Jr.), and his friend/assistant Dr. Watson (Jude Law). Their mission is to catch Lord Blackwood (Mark Strong), who was hung for the use of black magic, then rose from the grave to create chaos. The character Irene Adler (Rachel McAdams) shakes things up by playing Sherlock Holmes's love interest while working for the bad guy at the same time.

I loved this movie. The characters were well developed and very believable. The visuals were amazing, from the action scenes in the streets of London to Sherlock Holmes's disaster of a room and explosions by the shore. The plot was captivating and full of twists, with an ending that gave closure to the movie but made me want to see more at the same time. I would recommend Sherlock Holmes to anyone that likes mysteries, action movies or comedies. I will definitely be watching this movie again.


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