Jane Eyre | Teen Ink

Jane Eyre

May 11, 2011
By Anonymous

“Jane Eyre” is a heartfelt story of destined lovers. Jane is an “obscure” girl who never quite fit in. Her parents died when she was young, and Jane was sent to live with her aunt Mrs. Reed. Although, this interpretation of “Jane Eyre” did not begin as so.

The movie opens on Jane trudging through the forest and being found by a young man. She is then carried to his house where he and his two sisters take care of her. We later find out that this man is Mr. Rivers, a man who eventually proposes the idea of marriage to Jane. The movie opening unconventionally as this one did really sets a mood of mystery to the movie, which is what Jane Eyre is all about!

The cast was well selected, and the acting was phenomenal. Mia Wasikowska portrayed a self-disciplined and conservative governess very well. And her counterpart, Michael Fassbender, played an amazingly stubborn and bitter man who is blessed to find a woman to love who adores him for who he is and not for the money she could inherit.

“Jane Eyre” gives anyone who watches it insight to true love. The viewer can feel every tug of the heart expressed in this movie. Throughout the movie, you are guaranteed to relate to any character – whether it be the crazy Bertha, the torn Jane, the worried Ms. Fairfax, or the reasonable St. John Rivers.

Venture out to a movie theater to engage in this marvelous rendition of the novel Jane Eyre. You are sure to laugh and cry, or at least smile!

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