the pursuit of happiness | Teen Ink

the pursuit of happiness

December 3, 2012
By Cheetah_7 BRONZE, King George, Virginia
Cheetah_7 BRONZE, King George, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Main Characters: Chris Gardner (Will Smith), Linda (Thandie Newton), Christopher (Jaden Smith)
Director: Gabriele Muccino
The Pursuit of Happyness, was set in the 1980’s but was viewed in (2006). This was inspired by a real life story. He tries to keep his family from drowning in a life or death situation. He figures all you need is a smile, smart and sturdy shoes on your feet. Directed by Gabriele Muccino, they thought Will Smith would make a good man to play the part. Changing his hair a greyish color and changing his face structure, he fit the part of broken down American that’s trying to find a job and also a man that just want hope and for him and his family to be successful. A few stupid moves that put his family in debt. That sunk their savings into high-tech bone density scanners. That was the reason his family got in debt. To make it worst they had a whole room full of them. His wife Linda (Thandie Newton) leaves him and his son with her and her paychecks going with her. But Chris Gardner (Will Smith) gets angry when he drops his son off at a busted up daycare that has graffiti written on the wall that misspelled “happyness.” Chris Gardner and his son Christopher (Jaden Smith) go from living in an apartment to a motel and a night a sleeping in a subway station bathroom and then a homeless shelter. The only thing that kept both of their heads up was the faith that they were going to get somewhere one day and the love between a father and son, Christopher shares a joke with his dad to give him hope. He says a drowning man who repeatedly turns away rescuers in motorboats saying, “God will save me.” Of course he drowns and when he arrives in heaven asks God, “Why didn’t you save me?” God said, “I sent three boats for you.” Chris takes the message and realizes that “the rescue boat” may have already arrived as an internship. But the real question is why is their a y in “happyness.” I mean why does everyone go through things in life? But if you look through God seems like he puts you through things to let you help others and what you get in the end in the true happiness in the story. Chris has to experience that and also learn that. Chris really puts God first in his life and that’s what I really like. Then as my opinion I think the director should have put him maybe going to church and getting encouragements from the church but I wanted to show that he is an independent man but it’s not that big of a deal to get help from people. The whole movie was based on an independent man that just have his son and his self. Just trying to make it.


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