Won't Back Down | Teen Ink

Won't Back Down

March 20, 2013
By kierankeresoma BRONZE, Hagatna, Other
kierankeresoma BRONZE, Hagatna, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

About four to five days ago, around 4:30 p.m. both my girlfriend and I attended the third showing of the newly released drama, "Won't Back Down". despite the best efforts of the films heavily talented leads, I believe that the film lacks both interest and dramatic substance. although there were definite flaws, i do applaud it for its purpose. It goes to show how far a mother would go, not only for her child's education, but for his or hers future.
What I was definitely attracted to on the film was the energy that Maggie Gyllenhaal was feeding the viewers. A strong willed and very independent female that truly stopped at nothing to get what she and a number of parents wanted. She shows that if you don't give up, and you give it every ounce of dedication you posses, that there is nothing you cannot achieve. And I applaud her for that. The dislikes that I have on this film is very apparent due to the films lack of substance. It felt more like a lecture than an uplifting flick. Wont Back Down, is one of those films that will have you drifting more than attracted. It's almost as if the plot takes one step forward, then two steps back. There was very little nail biting going on as I was watching.
The true lesson I learned in this film, and I believe I stated this more than once in this review is to never give up on what you hold dear. It's pure inspiration the things not only the things these mothers do, but a number of teachers, parents, and concerned individuals go through to save their children from education deprivation. and I take my hat off to what these individuals are fighting for in the film.
This film would definitely attract a number of politicians, teachers, education board members, etc. I'd recommend this film to anyone who truly cares about the importance of education. I give "Wont Back Down" a 5.5 stars out of 10.

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