Brave | Teen Ink


April 6, 2013
By Sheerinspiration SILVER, Northville, Michigan
Sheerinspiration SILVER, Northville, Michigan
7 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends.
-J. K. Rowling

Many teens find young animated films young for their taste, that all was changed through Disney Pixar. Brave has teen level humor as well as a simple storyline that young children can follow. It is a plus for all ages. The movie was a great success. Some sections had the same element of warmth as Toy Story, which, in my opinion, was the greatest animated movie ever created. The animated Walt Disney Pixar film Brave is another success for the famous moviemakers.
The film features a young archer, Princess Merida (Kelly MacDonald). She finds herself the adventurous type, longing to embrace the wind and nature. Being a princess, her mother is the strict, proper type. Queen Elinor (Emma Thompson), Merida’s mother desires a cordial, mature young lady as a daughter to lead the town and kingdom.
Merida follows her guts when in the forest spotes a whisp, a mythological creature to lead you to your fate. She finds herself with an irrational witch in which she wishes to change her mother. The wish does not turn out as expected.
Scenery in the movie “Brave” is another amazing element of the film. The film was set in the Scottish Highlands giving it a warm comforting feel. The film also includes wide-open waterfalls and a mysterious look to it, one perfect for adventure. The town is a dotted with warm caramel colored bricks and a clean cottagey feel, which gives a general taste of a kingdom. Each room is decorated according to the class of the owner.
The movie features cute moments of laughter. Merida’s three little brothers are also a big hit with their humor and cunning minds; they are the perfect edition to the story line and essence of the movie.
Children think of the bear as the main villain, but the real match is the mother versus daughter. This is one match many teens can compare to. This movie is an exelent one to watch with moms to come to a happy medium together. The plot and story line are eternal and the characters unforgettable.
Throughout the movie there is comedy for all ages and a heartwarming ending. All in all, the movie is a definite success for Disney Pixar.

The author's comments:
A definite success for Disney Pixar. A heartwarming edition to the list of unforgettable animated films.

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