Oz the Great and Powerful | Teen Ink

Oz the Great and Powerful

April 17, 2013
By Anonymous

“Oz the Great and Powerful” as very powerful. All the actors and actresses did a wonderful job. James Franco who played oz was perfect for that part.

If you have ever watched the “The Wizard of Oz” have you ever wondered how oz got there, well if you watch “Oz the Great and Powerful” and find out.

Anyone would like it no matter how old you are. There were some funny parts but also there are some serious parts too.
This movie was very exciting and you always wonder what would happen next. Oz was really mysterious and he was always up to something.

I would give this movie an eight because it was a little hard to understand, but otherwise it was great.
Every movie has a lesson or a moral. I really like the moral the moral is “if you believe in yourself you can do great things. I think that is very true.

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