The House at the End of the Street | Teen Ink

The House at the End of the Street

September 10, 2013
By sierrab123 BRONZE, Martinsburg, West Virginia
sierrab123 BRONZE, Martinsburg, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The House at The End of The Street:
This movie was an okay movie. It really wasn’t great. On the previews it looked a lot scarier then it did when I saw it. I like how it was about a mother and her daughter moving into a house in a small, little town. Then the daughter, Elissa, found out about the accident that happened in the house they live in. When Elissa (Jennifer Lawrence) befriends Ryan (Max Theriot) , the only survivor of the accident, things get complicated. Out of the whole entire movie I only jumped once. I would’ve liked it better if there were more scary parts. And I got confused when Elissa was taken from the car into the house because; it went black so you couldn’t see where she was going.

It was scary when Ryan’s little sister was the psycho-killer, who killed her parents with a hammer. Like that’s the only part I jumped at. I think the stupid part, to me was when Elissa was locked in the room with Ryan’s little sister. Like that was really stupid. I think this movie would’ve been better if the main character actually died, or had a fight with Ryan. Plus, Ryan and Elissa’s relationship was complicated, like how can you fall inlove with someone you barely know? I also don’t understand how Carrie-Ann (Eva Link) was knocked off the swing, and got brain-damage. I think Ryan pushed her to hard. I thought the movie was more upsetting then scary. If you look, or watch the movie trailer you can see what basically happened. What I didn’t like about it is that, it jumps from one part to another. What I didn’t like was how everything was almost dark. And I felt confused a lot about it.

The author's comments:
8th grade computer project.

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