Review of We're the Millers | Teen Ink

Review of We're the Millers

September 10, 2013
By jefftheking1 BRONZE, Martinsburg, West Virginia
jefftheking1 BRONZE, Martinsburg, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

We’re the Millers is an American Comedy. It tells the story about David Burke a little town pot dealer whose clients are some chefs soccer moms and many more he had no kids. Trying to keep his profile on the low, he learns that no good deeds go unpublished. He gets in some junk with some other teenagers and then he winds up getting jumped by them stealing his stack of cash and stash. On the other hand his son is a virgin his wife is a striper and her daughter is a runaway. The only reason he is doing this is because they will pay him 100,000 dollars. But the other problem is he stole the drug from somebody else and that’s the only reason why he got jumped. Plus he has to cross the border that’s why he wants a family because if he goes with a family then he will not be double check this is one crazy family because they mixed up with another family to go hunting but that does not turn out that good for them because they want to play games and then the virgin boy which is the son he got bit by a tarantula in the parts and then he gets so freaking swollen he looks like a marshmallow. But the funny thing is that they all got caught with it and the rich guy said that if they don’t bring it by like a week then he will look for them get the drugs and them kill so they are kind of in a hurry plus they need to figure out a way like to get out the border police cause they got caught with the drugs. So they are kind of in a hurry. I would suggest to watch this movie cause it one of the funniest that has come out this year.

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8th grade computer project

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