It's A Wonderful Life | Teen Ink

It's A Wonderful Life

February 20, 2014
By Tayler Lopez BRONZE, Denver, Colorado
Tayler Lopez BRONZE, Denver, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“It’s a Wonderful Life” is a life changing film that captures the love of family, and the hardship that comes with it as well. With James Stewart playing the main character, George Bailey, a hard working, family man, willing to give up everything for the well being of others. The movie starts with God talking to an angel, Clarence, who hasn’t yet earned his wings, God offers him his wings if he can help Bailey, who, when the film starts, is in a very dark place. God shows the angel in becoming Baileys past, and then wants him to go down and help Bailey out of the dark place that he has gotten into. The movie resembled the Christmas Carol in a slight way. George was always the one who would give someone the clothes of his back if he needed to, but when everything tumbles down at once he loses it and needs the work of a miracle. Watching it, I felt as though it was a very relatable movie for a variety of people in all age groups. It’s the perfect Christmas movie because it doesn’t just show the holly jolly spirit of Christmas, but the real family Christmas. In this movie, Bailey’s uncle loses $8,000 of the their family owned bank, which leads to a spinning spiral for Bailey’s life. It became one of my favorite movies after I saw the play in a tiny theatre during the Christmas time, and it was perfect for us because we realized that it sort of related to us. We had just gone through a really hard time which made us really not want Christmas to happen, but that play changed our perspective. It actually had me excited for the season, because though we weren’t able to buy gifts, we had eachother which made me warm inside because they are my family, and were better than any gifts. I felt truly filled with excitement and love after I saw this. We then went out and bought the DVD and watched it numerous times after. I recommend this film a thousand times, I hope it brings everyone as much joy, and love as it did myself, and my family. Remember, every time a bell rings, an angel get its wings!

The author's comments:
I've loved this movie for a while, and I hope that everyone enjoys it as much as myself, and my family did! It's a great movie and I enjoyed writing this.

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