Pulp Fiction | Teen Ink

Pulp Fiction

February 20, 2014
By Anonymous

The film “Pulp Fiction” released in 1994 is filled with violence, comedy, and some exciting romance. Throughout this movie the perspective changes with the importance of the story, showing the majorly important events that matter. As Vincent goes with doing work for his associate Marsellus Wallace he learns more about him and ends up taking care of some loose ends.

Vincent gets assigned to take Mia, Marsellus’ wife out to dinner by Marsellus and to do anything she wants. There could not have been a worse assignment for him to be given by his boss because she is almost as crazy as her husband. Mia has Vincent take them to Jack Rabbit Slim’s, which is an Elvis kind of themed restaurant. Vincent is just getting tortured throughout that whole time with her, because he knows that she is very important to Marsellus. As they both have drug and alcohol addictions things get pretty intense at some parts. Mia ends up OD’d because of taking drugs. Vincent starts panicking here and goes to his drug supplier to get an adrenaline shot to her heart, and he finds out that they are all inexperienced with this kind of situation.

Butch, who is a son of a war hero, is a boxer that ends up killing someone in a boxing match. As he goes around, trying to stay unsuspicious, he is getting paid for his fights trying to make a living for him and his wife. He has quite a bit of honor, coming from a line of war heros, and saves Marsellus’ life. Everyone in this movie plays an important role to make this movie as great as it is. This movie should be viewed by young adults and adults, for the mature content in it but this movie is great to know and have for your background knowledge.

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