It's A Wonderful Life | Teen Ink

It's A Wonderful Life

February 20, 2014
By Erica Martin BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
Erica Martin BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It’s a Wonderful Life

George Bailey, was a generous, light-hearted businessman that dreamed of traveling the world, before he hit hard times in his once successful career. After a life altering event, his life turns for the worst, resulting in an attempt of suicide, feeling that the world would be better without him; better if he just wasn’t born in the first place. Before his life flashes before his eyes, an angel shows him what the world would have been like if he was never born. George sees his impact on other people’s lives, and the positive difference that he has made in his community. He is shown how saving his brother, a town hero’s, life changed people to be more caring and compassionate, and saved burdened people from “their destiny,”of life without him.

Frank Capra’s, “It’s A Wonderful Life,” is uplifting and heartwarming film about the power people have to make a difference in the world, a compelling message. A timeless film that can be enjoyed through the generations. It’s sappy, simplistic, but nevertheless, a joyful, inspirational movie. The viewer is drawn into the emotions of a kind, simple main character in an unimaginable situation in the struggling times of the Great Depression. I found myself drawn into the humor, loneliness, and hope of George Bailey, and I couldn’t help wondering how the world would be altered if I had never been here. It was thought provoking in that aspect and inspired me to set goals to make a significant difference in touching the lives of the people I know.

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