Jaws: The Movie | Teen Ink

Jaws: The Movie

February 20, 2014
By Jett Moore BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
Jett Moore BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
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“Jaws” is a classic movie entertaining for decades. Of course the special effects were sub par by todays standards but for the time the were exceptional. The suspense in the movie was what really separates it from the rest. Many people already know the plot and conclusion of the movie however watching it is still entertaining and in many parts surprising. This movie is able to scare and surprise without the gore. It achieved this through striking at the optimal time. Some how the director surprises you with the shark even when you expect it most. Even though it isn’t terrifying like “silence of the lambs” the suspense draws me to the edge of my seat.

The movie starts running with a shark attack on a calm day. The attack sends panic throughout the city and worry about the sharks whereabouts. From there the plot begins, the search for the man eating shark. The road isn’t easy, with many people and events getting in the way of finding this man eating killer. One of the biggest obstacles is the mayor of the island getting in the way of the progress in the search for the shark and inability to close the beaches for the safety of the beach. One of my favorite characters is Hooper played by Richard Dreyfuss. He is one of the only ones in the movie that actually knows how to find the shark and the precaution that needs to be taken.

Another amazing factor was the music written by John Williams. It gave me the ability to recognize what was going to happen before the movie showed it. Many people think of the sharks theme song when they think of jaws. However John Williams assigned sounds to many aspects of the movie which made the music a significant part of the movie.

As I knew going into the film it is a movie about shark attacks and the fight against them. What I didn’t know was the connection “Jaws” made to the main character, police chief Brody played by Roy Scheider. It did this with his family showing how much he cared for them and the respect they gave back. It allowed me to worry for his life. This connection makes the shark attack scenes much more dramatic involving real emotion from me to the movie.

I thought it was a well developed plot slowly building up to the concluding scene. However what I found was unsatisfying is the conclusion. I felt as though there wasn’t enough wrap up in between the climax and conclusion. It felt unfinished and too brief, sort of cheating me out of a conclusion to give the gateway to a sequel. It gave an non perfect ending to an otherwise close to perfect movie.

Overall, I felt “Jaws” was a worth it movie to watch, and I understood how it achieved its high status in the industry. It’s plot sucked me in throughout until releasing me at the end. The music fit great with what was happening and added to the back chilling suspense. It is one of the best of all time and a need to watch.

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