Jaws The Movie | Teen Ink

Jaws The Movie

February 20, 2014
By secret-identity BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
secret-identity BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Identity is the sacred holy life of all.

Da Nuh....Da Nuh... Da Nuh Da Nuh DATTDAT DAAAAAAAAA! Jaws is a riveting story with drama, action, and of course, horror. My emotions flurried throughout the film due to the great acting and the purposeful action. The director, Steven Spielberg, took Peter Benchley’s book and turned into a movie that has left people screaming for decades. No matter how old, jaws is still considered one of the best films ever made. Jaws was the winner of 3 Oscars including best sound, best film editing and best music.
The music in the movie is outstanding and one of the few reasons it is so acclaimed. Without even watching the movie I would be able to tell when it gets intense because the music portrayed it. The iconic shark attack theme tricked me several times because the attack wasn’t always present when the music was. I was guessing the whole time and was constantly surprised. Sometimes, the absence of music added effect too. John Williams is a well known composer of the music for this film and other acclaimed films such as Star Wars. His goal was to make the people feel fear and play with their emotions. I feel he did an outstanding job and was a big part of the films success.

Multiple mechanical parts were used to create the shark known as Jaws. Surprisingly, the shark in the movie was not present for most of the film which added to the fear. The fact that the shark wasn’t visible made the viewer realize that they could be attacked and not even see the shark in advance. The “invisible” shark wasn’t intentional at first, but worked in the films advantage in the end. Countless hours were spent editing to make the mechanical shark as realistic as possible or the least visible if the shark wasn’t fitting the mold. The filmmakers also took angles from the sharks point of view which was an effective tactic.

Movie history has been changed by Jaws and it will always be a highly acclaimed film. I will not be able to enter the water without being cautious or have fear in the back of my mind. This film is definitely on my favorites list and those who haven’t seen it should definitely grab some popcorn and enjoy. The heroic ending left me in awe and wanting to watch again and again. Who knows when Jaws will attack again?

The author's comments:
I wrote this piece after I was moved by the fantastic cinematic film of Jaws.

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