Wizard of Oz | Teen Ink

Wizard of Oz

February 20, 2014
By Burnsbrat2 BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
Burnsbrat2 BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Wizard of Oz is a great classic adventure that takes the audience to a whole new world of senses and effects.This black and white movie is about a young girl named Dorothy who lives on a farm with her aunt, uncle, and relatives. Her evil neighbor, Miss Gulch, threatens to take Dorothy’s dog away, Todo, but Dorothy runs away in distress. A huge tornado comes and Dorothy tries to make her way back to the house. She goes and tries to find her relatives, who are hidden in a storage room. Suddenly the house gets flown into the air by the tornado and eventually lands back down. Dorothy goes to the door and finds a surprise: she is in a new land full of color and flowers. Dorothy wants to go back to her home in Kansas, and the only way is if she meets the Wizard of Oz. Dorothy sets out on her adventure and meets new friends along the way who need the wizards help: a scarecrow without a brain, a tinman without a heart, and a cowardly lion. But she soon discovers it is going to be much harder to get home than she thought.

I enjoyed the movie more than I thought I would; it entertains all audiences from young children to adults with some funny lines I understood that young kids would not get. The movie had great acting, good costumes, pretty handpainted scenery and effects that were alright. But to really appreciate how amazing the movie is, I think the audience needs to see it in the mindset of when it first came out, when they had never seen color before. When Dorothy lands, I love what the director does for that scene: he makes it completely silent, with no music or talking. This really builds tension and curiosity, leaving the audience wondering what Dorothy is about to see. And then it happens. She opens the door to see a land in color; the music swells and my heart fluttered. I can’t even imagine what the audience thought seeing the whole spectrum of colors on the screen for the first time in their lives. It was amazing! Nothing like this had ever happened before. And then to see Glinda floating in on a rainbow bubble made from the cool effects must have awed the audience. How wonderful it was to see a childhood book come to life on the screen with cool back drops, amazing effects, beautiful colors, pretty music, and an exciting plot. The movie was a fun adventure trying to go home with Dorothy and meet the wizard. Today, we have so much CGI effects that it is easy to forget how advanced we have become in moviemaking compared to back then. Watching the movie in the eyes of the late 30’s audience really helps the movie go from an old, ok film to a wonderful, colored movie.

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