Sunset Park | Teen Ink

Sunset Park MAG

By Anonymous

   When I first saw the previews for Sunset Park, I said I had to see it. So, on opening day, I did. I was very surprised how much better the movie was than I expected. It is about a New York high school in need of a basketball coach. So a P.E. teacher, who teaches volleyball, goes into the teachers room and sees the sign for a coaching job that pays good money. She applies, but there's one problem: she doesn't know one thing about basketball. The team is a boys' team that is used to a male coach. To top it all off, the team doesn't work together. One player teaches the new "coach" and helps her improve. The team does get better and makes it to the playoffs, but do they win? Well, you have to see the movie. If you're looking for a good movie, see Sunset Park. It is well worth your money


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i love this so much!