Divergent Movie | Teen Ink

Divergent Movie

March 31, 2014
By LeahP97 BRONZE, Hampton, Georgia
LeahP97 BRONZE, Hampton, Georgia
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Let's go be psychos together -The Perks of Being A Wallflower

Recently I went to see Divergent in the movie theatres. As a fan of the Divergent Trilogy books, I was very pleased with how the movie turned out. Not only did it show how I thought the compounds and settings to be but it also included direct lines from the book as well! The actors portrayed their characters well and I thought that there couldn't have been any better people to play these roles. Overall I would have to say that Divergent is one of the best book to movie movies I've seen in a while. I would recommend people who are fans of the trilogy to go see this as it doesn't disappoint.

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