Frozen | Teen Ink


April 11, 2014
By Meliah98 BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
Meliah98 BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

For the First Time in Forever, Disney has Made an Original Movie

It is easy to see why animated films and fairy tales are so popular today. The genre appeals to everyone, regardless of age or situation. In addition, the family friendly comedy and the theme that anything can happen makes the genres movies imaginative and appealing. Fairy tales give us a chance to use our imagination while also learning valuable lessons that relate to life.

A New film in this genre, Disney’s Frozen has recently become a worldwide phenomenon. Sending people of all ages into a Frozen frenzy. From its "feel good" tone, to the original and award winning soundtrack, it's no wonder it has made such a splash. But what sets this particular movie apart from every other princess story? The answer is simple. It’s relatable and original. This movie does not follow the typical fairy tale format. Instead, Frozen offers a refreshing story about sacrifice and a new look on the meaning of "true love". The helpless heroine being rescued by the prince scenario is thrown out and replaced by the importance of family. The fact that it is different and original makes people love the film even more. Also, the movie plunges into current situations of our society. It promotes independence and the idea of not being afraid to be yourself.

Frozen, is a great overall movie. An original plot and good humor leave you engulfed in the movie from beginning to end. Not to mention the surprisingly entertaining music throughout the film. The plot focuses on Anna, a clumsy and outgoing princess who embarks on a journey to find her older sister, who accidentally froze the entire country with her ice powers. After freezing everything, Elsa runs into the mountains in order to protect her sister; even so, Anna's life is put at risk when Elsa accidentally strikes her heart with ice. The only thing that can save her is, you guessed it, true love. The story takes a turn when the act of true love is not a kiss, but occurs when Anna sacrifices herself to save her sister. I would suggest this movie to anyone who enjoys music, humor, or a good story. However, if you haven't already seen it, I suggest you climb out from under that rock and take the bandwagon over to the nearest video store. You won't regret it.

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