2012: the Year of Fear | Teen Ink

2012: the Year of Fear

April 11, 2014
By C_Vanhkham BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
C_Vanhkham BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Most movies you see nowadays fall under the disaster-film genre. You can tell if it’s going to be a disaster-film if the main point of the movie is about the disaster that is happening. The disaster-film genre can range from a twister out in Oklahoma to a gigantic sea monster emerging out of the ocean to terrorize Japan and destroy its cities. Disaster-films have outrageous movie effects that can either be out of this world or really cringe worthy.

For most part this type of genre can be relatable to people and our world. This is one of the main reasons why there are various films in this genre and why it is so popular. People can get really mesmerize by the fact that something being seen on the screen might actually happen to in real life. This genre draws people in by facing them with what could be reality. It catches viewers’ attention with terrifying events.

Some of the most well-known disaster films are Titanic, Independence Day, and Twister. But a good example that fits the disaster-film genre is the movie 2012. This movie was released in 2009 and at the time people feared of the upcoming date: December 21, 2012. People did not know what to expect in the next few years of their lives. People went to watch the movie to get a glimpse on how the world could possibly end. Well the world obviously did not end and disappointed many. But look on the bright side they can always go and watch what should have happened in 2012. The movie 2012 shows the implosion of our world. Throughout the whole movie there are series of disasters follow after each other one by one.

The film follows man named Jackson Curtis. Jackson first hears about the catastrophe that would happen in 2012 when he was in Yellowstone Nation Park with his children. When he arrives back in Los Angeles, California an earthquake occurs. He soon leaves the state with his children, ex-wife, and her boyfriend. They find out later that there are these arks that are in China that can save them. It is a race against time to get to safety.

Overall this movie was alright. What did not please me was the lack of a good story line. I wish they went more in depth with the characters, but what more was I expecting from a movie about the world ending. Another thing was that the acting was not the best I have seen. I think the main focus in the movie was the effects instead of the characters and plot. That’s okay though because the effects in this movie were scary good. Also what I found interesting in the movie was that Africa was the only continent still left; this is because of the tectonic plates shifting and pushing the land upwards to avoid any incoming tsunamis. So if the world ever decides to end and this movie is accurate I will be on my way to Africa.

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