Frozen | Teen Ink


April 11, 2014
By mcurrier BRONZE, Peoria, Arizona
mcurrier BRONZE, Peoria, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Live life to the fullest, and embrace it embrace with no regrets"

Frozen ’s New Type of True Love
Walt Disney’s classic princess movies have been very popular since they first came out, because girls of all ages began to fantasize about their Prince Charming. The constant talk about Prince Charming causes the romances to go on in a young girls’ mind. These fantasies and romances mashed up together are called dreams. The dreams and romances are included in the genre of fantasy.

There is a link between all classic Disney Princess movies: Princess’ dreams and the fantasy genre. Cinderella dreams of freedom while Ariel dreams of what it is like in the human world. Every girl dreams of a different life style instead of realizing the life they have in front of them. In Disney’s Frozen, the main character, Anna, dreams to be united with her sister after the death of her parents.

Through the process of being reunited with her sister, she meets Prince Hans and they seem to be a perfect couple and make plans to get married. Anna goes with Prince Hans to get her sister’s blessing. Her sister, Elsa the Queen, declines the blessing and says, “You can’t marry a man you just met.” As Anna tries to fight back she removes one of Elsa’s gloves and Elsa reveals her secret ice powers, she is frightened and leaves the kingdom and sets off an eternal winter. As Anna goes after her sister to try and find her, she meets Olaf a talking snowman, Sven a reindeer, and Cristoff the local iceman. Anna and Elsa learn that “the act of true love can thaw a freezing heart” threw sisterly love.

Disney’s Frozen is a spectacular movie because it resembles the power of siblings and how love is the answer, and lover doesn’t always have to be with Prince Charming. True love can be so much more than just a Prince. Frozen was one of the first Disney movies to show true love is more than an act of kissing and meeting “the one,” it showed the importance of family and showed that family is forever.

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