Thor: The Dark World | Teen Ink

Thor: The Dark World

April 11, 2014
By TeaganG BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
TeaganG BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There’s always a hero in America’s heart
There is no question that America loves the action packed, sometimes romantic heroic movies like Iron Man, Captain America and Superman. America alone produces so many action films. In all reality though, how many of those are pertaining to superheroes? Here’s a news flash, almost all of them are superhero movies. They trend mostly from their sexy, well-built hero, often accounts of romance and the dramatic climax that puts that oh-so gorgeous man in danger; the answer to why this is a trend could be found in high schools all over the world. Yes, young men and women (most typically women) gather at the movie theatre whenever word gets out that there is a new Marvel or DC film that has come out. Again, why is this a trend? The most legitimate response you can squeeze out of any teen these days is most likely, “The hero is so hot!” or the cover up for that answer, “I like who’s in it.” Even back in the early 1900’s when movies were just starting to be the real deal, attractive men and women were cast for the lead roles to attract more of an audience and even today they use the same tactic. Is there even such thing as a non-captivating hero?
Iron Man’s Tony Stark is the future’s lover boy in his three movies about how his smarts get him in too much trouble to handle but of course gains his latent strength in the last ten minutes of the movie. Why is this even a big deal? Not only do the young viewers adore Robert Downey Jr. but all of the older audience as well; no reason behind it other than the hero gives off charm through the television screen, drawing you closer. Through all movies ever made there has been countless acts of romance and drama between usually the hero and the girl, in which the hero is attracted to, who he is trying to save. Have you ever wondered, as a fellow movie watcher, why you are still mesmerized with that hero even though in your mind it registers that he is with someone else? It seems as if most as if it’s a capricious love affair that never even happened.
Thor, Chris Hemsworth, is more than a sexy hero in his movies, he’s a god, literally. His brother, also loved by many, only emphasizes the fact that this movie attracts young women to the theatre. However, there are more than just lovey-dovey men. There is action which pleases all and a magnificent story line behind the drama. Thor is a great example of a superhero movie, though slightly cliché, still amazing. In fact, cliché is a little bit of an understatement. Every Marvel movie usually has a being from an alien planet that comes to earth, a problem erupts, has to save a girl and then there is a perfectly happy ending. Yes of course this happens in Thor, although the god of mischief, Loki, is involved which adds a slight spin, it is still the most typical superhero movie you can find. Thor: The Dark World as well as Thor are just incredible movies whether or not they fall under the category of cliché or not. People love these movies because there are new handsome men being introduced in each one, but who cares? As long as they’re cunning they’re allowed on the screen.

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