Ender Actually Lost the Game | Teen Ink

Ender Actually Lost the Game

April 11, 2014
By EvanM BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
EvanM BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If He is for us, who could be against us?"

Dystopian fictions are one of the most popular types of books to read amongst teens. Everyone dreams of using futuristic technology, or interacting with aliens, and all the other fun stuff that comes with a dystopian Earth. It gives us freedom to think about the things that we might actually get to see in our lives. Ever since Neil Armstrong’s first step on the moon, people have been dreaming about the limitlessness of space. Ender’s Game gives us that feeling of a teenager living in a futuristic Earth with space travel and cool technology.
Ender’s Game shows all of the characteristics of a dystopian fiction. Ender’s Game starts with a boy being watched by the government; until, Ender was recruited by the government to fight against the aliens that had attacked Earth. All while using the futuristic weapons on an Earth based well in the future. The weapons, aliens and time are what made the book very popular to teens who love dystopian fiction, but many people who enjoyed the book were not so pleased of the movie.
Where the movie fell short was that it did not contain as much information as the book. The book is becoming a classic and is being read everywhere. The movie left out key scenes that changed your thoughts about the plot: Ender’s building of character with his brother, the talk with his sister that convinced him to go to command school, and multiple battles the prepared him to fight the buggers.
The movie was only about two hours long which is less than average. By adding an extra thirty minutes of this much needed material, they could have made another classic movie based from a book. But instead, Ender’s Game is just an average movie that is lacking in content. It confuses many viewers that have not read the book because they have no idea what is going on.

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