Paranormal Activity | Teen Ink

Paranormal Activity

April 13, 2014
By Gabrielle Heredia BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
Gabrielle Heredia BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Some popular movies right now are the Paranormal Activity movies. These horror films are popular because of the thrill our generation receives from feeling frightened. The movie is dramatic, and intense which makes people want to continue watching to see what horrifying event will happen next.

Paranormal Activity fits into the category of horror because of its theme. It’s about how the afterlife can affect us here on Earth. There are ghosts and spirits that are haunting innocent people for unknown reasons. They do mysterious things such as play with their electronics, and open and close doors. The fact that they are being haunted and nothing can be done about it is what could set off some alarm.

Now, I know that this is a horror movie, but I personally thought the only thing horrifying about it was how truly boring it was. The movie itself has a very slow pace, and the quality is less than ideal for a Hollywood production. The movie is filmed with a security camera so it does not move with the actors, it just sort of films them from above. The film also has the date and time changing in one of the upper corners, and that sometimes distracts from the movie. The sound quality is poor as well, and sounds similar to a video one would take with their cell phone. There is an echo which is extremely annoying and distracting.

Not only does the quality of the film seem poor, but so is the story line itself. The first 90% of the movie is nothing scary, just simple things such as windows blowing open by themselves, and unexplained sleep walking. Close to the last ten minutes of the movie everything just goes crazy. A lot starts to happen at once and the film becomes hard to follow. The little bit of excitement at the end of the movie is not worth the first hour and 45 minutes of completely tedious security footage.

The author's comments:
I decided to join this website to express my personal opinions about movies. I love writing and felt that this was a perfect opportunity to showcase my work and give movies the reviews I feel they deserve.

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