Scary Movies - Fright or Flop? | Teen Ink

Scary Movies - Fright or Flop?

April 13, 2014
By TheGuyWithTheStache BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
TheGuyWithTheStache BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Scary movies offer the viewer a chance to be scared until they cry, or disgusted until they throw up. Scary movies enable the average movie-goer to experience certain emotions that causes adrenaline to pump through their veins while they wait for something to happen. These emotions cause the viewer to come back and watch another scary movie; they become addicted and cannot get enough of the ‘scared’ feeling. It is no wonder why scary movies are more popular than ever.

Movies like Saw and Insidious both do not have a pleasant moral at the end of the movie, but cliff hangers that leave the viewer needing to know what happens next. That is why both of these movies have sequels, the viewer needs a resolution, and they will sit through as many movies as needed to be satisfied. Also, most scary movies leave the viewer with many questions like “could this happen in real life?” or “why did she go into that dark room all by herself?” It is these questions that provoke a sense of mystery and leave the viewer sitting on the edge of their seat.

Saw is a great example of a classic scary movie; it is gory, grotesque, and just plain disturbing. There is no wonder as to why so many people absolutely love it! Straight off the bat in any Saw movie, the audience experiences a sense of urgency that keeps them begging for more. Although watching people deliberately harm themselves might be too much for the faint of heart to handle, it will not stop the hardcore scary movie fanatic from enjoying the movie. Overall, if anyone is looking to get a shock or that adrenaline pumping fright, Saw is the movie they need to watch.

Even though Insidious was made by the same person who launched the “Saw” franchise, it is the exact opposite of Saw. Insidious starts out with a family moving into an old house which contains a lot of dark rooms, nooks, crannies, and corridors. You know, one of those houses that are expected to be in a haunting movie. The family soon finds out that the house is haunted because a supernatural presence is causing doors and windows to mysteriously open. Why does this movie remind me of an old sixties horror movie that I watched last week? After looking past the totally stereotypical haunted house, and getting a couple predictable jump-scares, the movie serves its purpose and that is to go BOO!

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