Transformers | Teen Ink


April 13, 2014
By CJulius BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
CJulius BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Space War 1… Transformers:

Action movies have many viewers sitting on the edge of their seats waiting for the big explosions or crazy things a person might do in the movie. In todays society many people are very adventures and want to reenact moves they see on the big screen. Sci-fi films are also popular because it gets people thinking about what is out there in our endless space. These films give viewers reason to believe that there is something out there and gets them thinking on how advanced are they.

The Transformers movie has some intense action scenes. Cars change into standing robots and then just start to talk! Since that is not enough they even start to fight each other and our militaries. Seens such as fighting our own military and most of the time over powering them makes a mind think is our military really that weak and are we really that behind in technology? Then after these robots are done destroying are military they kill any human being to get to what they want.

Other movies such as Fast and Furious have tons of action. These movies have average human beings, just like you and I’ doing insane maneuvers in automobiles. The people in the movie are living on the edge so the average viewer wonders why they cannot do the same. Then reality hits them and they realize they cannot so they stick to going to see every movie they possibly can in theaters about such actions. Nitro circus is another movie and television show that makes people want to try to do stupid things. The whole point of Nitro Circus is to do insane things that are highly unintelligent.

Transformers is a great movie to take a family to go see. This movie entertains anyone from elementary school kids to even senior citizens. The kids are always just so impressed on the moves and explosions these robots make. Then the adults enjoy watching it because it has a story line and some adult humor in it as well. Basically here are good transformers and evil transformers and they live onn some planets far away, but they came to Earth looking for a cube they call the spark. This cube holds tremendous power and cannot be retained by the evil transformers or they will take over the galaxy. So the two sides battle over this cube and the humans just try to stay out of the way without being killed. In the end this movie is definitely one to spend a few dollars on and see.

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