Summer Wars | Teen Ink

Summer Wars

April 18, 2014
By CatSword SILVER, Leavenworth, Kansas
CatSword SILVER, Leavenworth, Kansas
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Summer Wars is a Japanese animated film directed by Mamoru Hosada, who some may remember as the director of the animated version of "The Girl Who Leapt Through Time".

Kenji, a young math geek student who is one of the many in the virtual world of OZ (a world where everything is run, from bank accounts to the water department; however, it also can be used as a place for fun and games) is given a summer mission by the dreamy Natsuki.

However, this is a quite different summer mission from what he had been expecting. Natsuki wants Kenji to pretend to be her fiance while entering her great-grandmother's 90th birthday. If Kenji's not overwhelmed by that mess, he's also got to deal with the consequences of solving a mysterious text message one late night which holds the secrets to OZ - and could change the whole world.

At its heart, "Summer Wars" is a science-fiction film with a hint of action to it. Some consider it a remake of a previous Digimon film, "Digimon Adventure: Our War Game".

However, Summer Wars goes to a place most science-fiction and action films don't cover; family. Natsuki's family is a major part of the film, all having their own individual character and quirks; and soon while watching you might find yourself laughing, crying, and feeling every pain that they do along their adventure.

In conclusion, "Summer Wars" is not only an excellent science-fiction film, it touches somewhere deep inside you along the journey; your heart.

The author's comments:
Summer Wars is available on DVD in the United States and Canada from FUNimation Entertainment.

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