Divergent | Teen Ink


May 7, 2014
By Anonymous

First off if you haven’t seen the movie Divergent yet you should go see it now. This movie is great and is action packed. The story line of the movie is a dystopian society that tries to force every one into one of five different categories. You are to be put into one of these categories when you become an adult, but the main character is a divergent which means she can’t be placed in just one category. This is when the action and suspense really picked up because she can’t let the government know she is a divergent so she is constantly on the run.

This movie is identical to Hunger Games which I liked also. Divergent was played with great actors and actresses. I think this is one of my top favorite movies of all. I was constantly on the edge of my seat, excited and anticipating the next scene. The movie picked up right from the start and there’s also a lot of drama involved in the movie which I thought made it more suspenseful. The plot of the movie was perfect because the government is trying to control everyone and make them basically like robots but people called divergent’s realize the bad in doing this and try to stop them. This is a great movie for those who like the underdogs. I would recommend this movie to anyone because I want to go see it again. They will also be making a sequel to this movie which will be exciting to see. Also I’ve heard and know people who have read the books on this movie and the say it’s even better. Overall I really enjoyed this movie and would recommend it to anyone.

The author's comments:
very nice

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