Life of Pi | Teen Ink

Life of Pi

November 5, 2014
By Deena B BRONZE, Olympia, Washington
Deena B BRONZE, Olympia, Washington
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Have you ever thought you would lose your family and be stranded on a lifeboat with four different types of animals, two of them deadly? Well, Neither did Pi. The Life of Pi is a beautiful and inspiring motion picture made by the film director Ang Lee. This motion picture was based off the novel, written by Yann Martel. It is appropriate for the whole family and will truly be enjoyed.

Pi’s early life was really hard growing up because of all the bullying that was done to him. When he began to fit in, finding his place in life, Pi’s father announced they were moving to Canada on a ship. Pi’s family owned zoo animals they had to take along with them. While on the ship, a big storm came in. All the rain and thunder made the ship began to sink. Of course Pi began to panic and was dedicated to find his family before the ship completely sank, but before he knew it, Pi got pushed into a lifeboat. When another man began to load in, a zebra fell in and the lifeboats chain broke. Pi was alone at sea with a zebra and some more animals that were hiding under the boat. After most of the animals died there was just one, a Bengal Tiger named Richard Parker. During Pi’s days at sea he made his own raft made out of floating cans to hold him. Every once in a while he'd move a bit closer to feed Richard Parker. Pi knew he had to feed Richard Parker or else Richard Parker would feed on him. After a long time at sea, Pi had tamed Richard Parker and  found out how to survive while going on stunning adventures!

What I really enjoyed about this movie were the scenes pictures and images that made the fantasy look real! In one scene there was nothing but clear, visible water and a bright white light that shined on a blue whale jumping over Pi’s boat. It was a spectacular image! There were many bright white lights in the adventures he took, most of them glowing looking real and beautiful! Another strength this movie had was showing the development of  Pi and Richard Parker’s relationship.  It started by Pi being scared of  him, then being able to tame him ending up as close friends toward the end of the movie. Pi’s journey was unbelievable and looked like a true story because he acted so well and again, the images were spectacular. The movie had lots of strengths that I definitely enjoyed.

Even though the movie had exceptional strengths there are some area’s of improvement. They showed Pi on sea for a long time which got a little bit boring. also I wish they could have showed us how Pi’s family died, just maybe the full picture on when the boat was sinking. Those are probably the only improvements the movie needs because other than those two things everything else is spot on.

The Life of Pi is a sensational and unique movie that was extremely worth my time to watch. Not only is this movie great for the whole family, it teaches many life lessons along the way. I would definitely recommend you to watch this movie!

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