The Maze Runner | Teen Ink

The Maze Runner

November 6, 2014
By Anonymous

Although there are many movies based on books, The Maze Runner directed by Wes Ball based on James Dashner’s 2009 novel is the best movie ever.

The main characters are Thomas and Alby. Thomas is adventurous and he takes risks. He was the last boy to arrive at the Glades, he is also a runner a runner is a person who goes in The Maze at sunrise and leaves The Maze at sunset. Thomas and Alby are teenagers. Alby was the first boy who arrived at the Glades, he is also is the leader of the group.

The movie takes place in the Glades and in the Maze. The Glades is a big piece of land, all of the the boys grew a garden on the land. The boys live in shacks. The Maze has Grievers, Grievers are spider like things that kill you if they spot you. The Maze moves around every day at sunset and stops moving around at sunrise. If you are in the maze after sunset you don’t come back.

Another reason why The Maze Runner is an amazing movie is the suspenseful plot. All of the people who arrive at the Glades get there in an elevator called The Box. Thomas was the last boy to arrive at the Glades. Alby the leader told him all the rules about the Glades and how he can never enter the Maze. Also when you arrive in The Glades you can't remember anything except their name. Two weeks after Thomas got there, a girl arrived with a note in her hand that said this is the last time the box is coming up. All of the people got scared that they would starve to death.

Thomas became a runner. The first night he went into The Maze him and Minho the other runner got stuck in The Maze. that night Thomas killed a Griever nobody has ever seen or killed a Grieve. After a long night in the Maze they found they way back to the Glades. That night the doors to the Glades didn't close that means that the Grievers could come in. The boys and the girl named Teresa found a code to get out of the Maze. Thomas got bite by a Griever so he got his memories back so he remembered how to get out of the maze. So him and the group found a way out of the Glades and The Maze. They all found a bunker, when they walk in the bunker they watch a video on the computer that said this was all an experiment. After that the swat team came and got them out of there.

In its first weekend in theaters, The Maze Runner made about 32.5 million dollars, beating out all other movies that weekend. This is one of the best movies ever. Obviously, the Maze Runner is an adventurous, fascinating, spine chilling, and thrilling movie that everybody should see.

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