THE Maze Runner | Teen Ink

THE Maze Runner

November 6, 2014
By Anonymous

Let's get the rundown of the Maze Runner, shall we? Even though the other gladers in the maze were more experienced and know the maze more, Thomas still found a way to escape, even though the others had tried for longer. The Maze Runner by James Dashner tells us and exciting story of Thomas, a teenage boy stuck in a maze with others.

Dashner shows Thomas meeting other boys, and he gains a few friends: Chuck, Newt, and Alby. Soon Thomas (taught by Alby and Newt), learns how the community works. Chuck helps him get to know everybody and the rules.

Soon, Thomas meets some people coming out of the maze. Chuck tells him that they are runners. The runners are supposed to map the maze and find a way out. One of them is named Minho, who joins Thomas and helps the gladers with them escape.

After all the introductory, Thomas and the gladers encounter lots of bizarre events, that aren’t normal. Alby ends up dying from grievers, disgusting mechanical monsters that kill the gladers. Thomas eventually greets a girl, who is asleep for a while, but wakes up and Thomas eventually talks to the girl (her name is Teresa).

Thomas eventually gathers up her, Newt, Minho, Chuck, and some other gladers to go to a escape route found in the Maze(read the book or watch the movie to discover how they do this), and uncover the truth behind why they all were put into the maze. Read the book or the watch to movie to discover more!

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