Mockingjay Book/Movie Review | Teen Ink

Mockingjay Book/Movie Review

December 7, 2014
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Mockingjay is an action packed adventure that will have you at the edge of your seats.  As a dazed Katniss awakes inside a hospital in district 13, she wonders where Peeta is.  When Katniss finds out that the capitol capture Peeta, she starts to panic afraid of what will happen to Peeta.  That is when she assumes the role as Mockingjay to get the other districts to join district 13 to fight against the capitol.  Can Katniss earn the support of the other district?

I enjoyed the book better than the movie for certain reasons. One reason is that the book was much more descriptive than the movie.  Even though you can?t see what was happening in the book I felt it created a better picture in my mind then the actual movie.  Another reason is that in the book, you could feel more of an emotional aspect versus the movie which had a lot of action in it.  Overall I prefer the book than the movie.

Even though the book is better in my opinion Mockingjay part 1 is still a good movie.  Although there was less detail in the movie, I found it quite enjoyable to watch.  It stuck to the main storyline of the book and didn?t go off topic.  Another reason why this movie is good is because there was a lot of excitement.  The movie didn?t get boring and it had me wondering what would happen next. 

I noticed some differences in the book versus the movie.  One difference that I noticed is that Effie Trinket is still alive. In the book Effie Trinket was missing.  In the movie Effie designs Katniss?s dress. Another difference is that there wasn?t any tatooed schedule.  In the book everyone in district 13 had to get their schedule tattooed on their arm.  In the movie there wasn?t any mention of that.  These are some of the differences that I noticed between the book and the movie.

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