Crossroads | Teen Ink


December 7, 2014
By Anonymous

Crossroads, is a movie directed by Tamra Davis, that was released in 2002.  It is a movie about three kids that were friends, during childhood but, grew apart as they got older because of the pressures of their parents and society.  When they were kids they buried a box where they put things they had that signified what their hopes and dreams were for the future.  Little did they know, things would not go at all like they planned. 

One girl, Lucy, played by Britney Spears, was pressured by her father and became valedictorian.  He wanted her to have a successful career, with  a profession such as that of a doctor or a lawyer.  She never partied, or fully got the high school experience and instead buried herself in her studies.  She worked hard but always kept to herself with very few friends.   Mimi was poor and lived in a bad neighborhood, so she fell into a bad crowd who partied and drank a lot, even though she was not involved in all the drinking and got pregnant in high school.  The third girl, Kit, was pressured by her mother, to be skinny and beautiful.  When Lucy, Kit, and Mimi were still friends, Kit was very fat, and her mother would not accept it.  She went to fat camp every summer to loose weight and gain acceptance from her mother, but once she achieved this beauty she realized that she still could not satisfy her mother.  She however, was very popular and took her frustrations out at the other girls in school including her former friends, Lucy, the nerd, and Mimi the girl who got herself pregnant in high school. 

Although they no longer spoke, when they were young they made a pact to meet up again at midnight, the day of their high school graduation.  So, they found themselves in the spot that they buried the box, exactly eight years later.  One thing led to another and they decided to go on a road trip together to Los Angeles, where they each had places they needed to go.  However, on the trip they bonded and became best friends again.  They all shared stories of their lives, so they better understood each other and why they all ended up where they were.  I saw this movie yesterday and was pleasantly surprised as to how much I liked this movie. 
This movie is a drama, romance, and a comedy.  Crossroads  was a very cute, girly movie similar to the movie She’s All That, and other movies of this sort.  This movie surpassed my low expectations because I thought it would be too cheesy and sappy, and I thought it might be one of those movies that you cannot finish watching.  However, it seems to be a movie I can watch over and over again with my friends. 

Crossroads, is a great movie although probably geared towards a young audience.  My favorite part was when their car broke down because they had a problem with their carburetor.  They did not have the money to pay for it and they were low on money for the rest of the trip to.  So they performed at a karaoke night at some club near them, and made enough money to fix the car and have some to spare.  Although this seems a little cheesy, I loved it because it is a very feel good movie.   I love Britney Spears as a singer, so I was very excited to see her in this movie. 

The acting was done fairly well.  It was nothing special, but if this is the kind of movie you love to watch, to get you spirits up or just because it’s a little cheesy and cute, or if you are a big fan of Britney Spears, I would highly recommend this movie to you.   It was a great “chick flick” that I enjoyed watching; one that I could watch multiple times.   The only criticism I have to offer is that it was a little amateur.   If the audience is over the age of 20 they probably will not enjoy this movie.  The situations are not very realistic, however, if you are someone like me, I like to over look these details and enjoy these cute movies, filmed for a younger audience.  

This movie is one of the many that have comedy and drama, but it seems like I have watched them all, and I am always searching Netflix for more movies of this genre to watch.  This movie is also easily accessible, because it is on Netflix, so it is pick for anyone wanting more of these movies. 

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