Dumb and Dumber To | Teen Ink

Dumb and Dumber To

December 8, 2014
By steve naldzhyan BRONZE, Verdugo City, California
steve naldzhyan BRONZE, Verdugo City, California
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Last weekend I saw the movie Dumb and Dumber To a few of my buddies. The main characters in Dumb and Dumber To were Harry Dunne and Lloyd Christmas, the same two goofballs from the first movie. The big plot of the whole movie was that Harry found out he had a daughter about twenty years ago. The whole movie is a big adventure of Harry and Lloyd trying to find Harry’s supposed daughter. The stars in this movie were the same as from the last movie; Jeff Daniels, who plays Harry Dunne and Jim Carrey, who plays Lloyd Christmas. Harry and Lloyd are originally from Providence, Rhode Island; but the adventure that they go on for Harry’s supposed daughter, takes them all the way to El Paso, Texas. My buddies and I weren’t even supposed to see this movie. It was almost an accident. We originally went to see Interstellar, but of course just my luck it was sold out. It completely bummed my buddies and me out. We were all depressed and ready to take off back home and call it a night. And then it happened, I saw that their was a showing for Dumb and Dumber To and Horrible Bosses 2. We were all really excited and wanted to see Horrible Bosses 2, but then I brought up a fact to my friends that made them quite angry; I am only sixteen and that is a Rated R movie. So we had to settle with Dumb and Dumber To. The movie wasn’t for another hour, so we decided to sneak into another movie prior to Dumb and Dumber To; we snuck into The Penguins of Madagascar. It was quite funny, 5 grown up young men walked into a movie filled with a bunch of children and parents. We were heavily stared at, and I was a bit embarrassed. Finally after 45 minutes we left that film for our original film.

This film was a sequel to the original film Dumb and Dumber. Dumb and Dumber To was funny but it was no where near as funny as the original one. Coming into the movie; I didn’t think it would be funny, but the movie was a surprise to me and was actually way funnier than I thought.

The best parts of the film to me and the parts that stood out to me the most was part when they finally found Harry’s daughter and she is a dumb goofball just like them, except she is very attractive and good-looking; unlike Harry or Lloyd. Another thing that always made me laugh was when Lloyd attempted to spray his mouth with mint spray. He pressed down on the capsule but held it the opposite way, so it just all went into the air and not in his mouth. But my most favorite part of the whole film was the part where Lloyd was asked for his full name and he answered with “Lloyd Christmas”. The person asked “Oh, like the holiday?” and he answers back “No, like the tree.” This part always just gets me laughing every time I think of it.

I think the acting in the film was just phenominal. Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels had me laughing through it non stop. It was truly awesome. This movie was a lot more crude than the first one. There was a lot of sexual and inapproptiatly funny scenes in this one. I feel like this one was not really child-friendly and do not recommend this to any kids or anyone to watch with kids.

If you had seen the original Dumb and Dumber and loved it or even liked it, you definitly need to watch this one. It is for sure one that you need to watch if you are a comedic lover and especially if you love silly, childish humor. It was definitley one of the best comedies I had seen all year. It was well done and thought out well. This film is yet to win any awards I believe; but I will not be a surprise to me if it does win some awards in the coming year. The film is reached out to anyone I believe over the age of thirteen or any Dumb and Dumber lover or any Jim Carrey or Jeff Daniels lover. The comedy and humor in the film would be funny for anyone as young as thirteen to fifty years old. More information about the movie can be found on any movie critique website, such as Imdb.com or rottentomatoes.com.

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