Interstellar | Teen Ink


January 9, 2015
By JamesAnto BRONZE, Gainesville, Florida
JamesAnto BRONZE, Gainesville, Florida
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Thanks to our society and their view on super heroes, we seem to view them as superior beings who stand out above the rest. Superhero related movies seem to catch our society's attention because we as humans, wish we could be like them. Christopher Nolan has been viewed as the guy who has put together, "The Batman". He will always be viewed as the guy who put together,"The Batman", and will never be looked at as something different ever again. These were my views on Christopher Nolan as of a couple months ago. Why did my mindset change, you ask? Well I never thought it was possible for Christopher Nolan to make a better movie than batman that seemed to receive so much attention, but without some kind of superior being. This movie is called,"Interstellar", but in all his movies he adds this thing that I refer to as the classic Christopher Nolan touch. I mean that all of his movies seem to have the same feel and the same look. But in interstellar he seemed to throw that all away and to start fresh with a new look and new environment. In interstellar it did feel like it was something put together by Christopher Nolan but it also had a hint of excitement, just like inception. He seemed to think out of the box and focus on the true state of this particular movie.

Interstellar takes place in the near future, where earth is has been through a devastating drought and famine. This caused everything to change, like the food and the climate. Humanity is just reaching its last chance at survival, so it's up to a group of explores to try to locate this rip in space that they recently discovered. Their is so many ways you could continue on with this movie based off of what I've just told you. And Christopher Nolan has taken the best route possible. The crew that has to go on this mission consists of four people; one being the main character and one being the daughter of the main scientist at NASA. NASA is hidden from the real world because they don't want anyone knowing that their spending some of the communities money on space exploration. NASA believes that they weren't MENT to stay on earth, they were meant to leave it. Everything was smooth sailing from their on up to when the crew reaches the rip in space that leads to another galaxy at a extremely fast rate. Once they make it through the rip Cooper, the main character, receives a message from his son and daughter who are now older and now considered adults. This was a very emotional seen for Cooper because he realizes that he broke his promise that he had with his daughter. His promise stated that he would be back on earth when his kids were still young. Time passes and the crew seem to run into a big obstacle; it turns out that the system that they visited consists of three planets and they don't believe that they have enough fuel to make it to all three and back.mCooper believes that instead of taking their original route, they should arrive on one planet and use as little fuel possible and then return back to their start point. He believes that they will have enough fuel to get back if they do that for each planet. The first planet consists of shallow water, surrounding the entire planet. They eventually realize that their is a tsunami coming and that they have to return back to the explorer, the ship they use to get to each planet. But brand gets distracted and tries to retrieve the Intel sent from the station but it ends up putting weight on her leg, causing her to get stuck. She eventually makes it to the ship at the last second, but one of the other crew members who waited to make sure she was okay, didn't make it. The last three explorers continue on with the mission. They eventually arrive on the second planet which is extremely cold and consists of many rocks. They run into another ship that used to contain a crew who was sent to explore the same system that they are exploring. They find a sleeping pod that contains one of the crew members from that particular exploration. The pod is labeled Dr.Mann, who is still alive when hey wake him up from the sleeping pod. He seems nice but he eventually let the mission get the best of him and tries to kill Cooper. He then leaves in his own pod and destroys the station left up in the system, that carries most of their possible resources. They are now stranded with little fuel and one planet left, Cooper then releases dr.brands daughter into the last planet, and Cooper is released into a 3rd dimensional area space. The movie ends with a bang and if you want to see what happens, your going to have to go see it yourself.

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Therein writing piece is about interstellar

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