Jurassic World | Teen Ink

Jurassic World

September 23, 2015
By Jame-essss69 BRONZE, Coutts,AB, Other
Jame-essss69 BRONZE, Coutts,AB, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
When in doubt knock em out.

I went to see Jurassic world a few weeks ago and I am going to give my honest opinion on it. I felt like it was a really good movie I really like how they incorporated the Jurassic park in with it. They had a guy wearing a Jurassic park shirt and he says he got it off eBay for one hundred some dollars or something and they just really incorporated the movies well. There is a scene where some characters come up on the old Jurassic park. For those of you that aren’t Jurassic park or world movie fanatics like me, it basically starts out as a park out on an island and what this park has is genetically modified animals that are dinosaurs. Throughout the series they skip in years and visit the island and it goes wrong somehow every time because the dinosaurs eat people and escape. Then after the third Jurassic park they decided to stop and then this year they decided that they would make a new movie, but they thought that it was too long of a wait to make Jurassic park 4 so they made Jurassic world instead. Basically what happened to the old park was it just pretty much rotted away and just became a ruin out in the forest on the island. Then they made a new park called Jurassic world with more to do and more dinosaurs. The story follows two kids and their aunt along with a guy who is like Grant from the Jurassic park movies. They go out to the Jurassic world to visit their aunt and have fun at the park but little do they know it goes terribly wrong after dinosaurs escape their cages.

I would give this movie a 9/10 for a rating I really enjoyed this movie and I think they did a good job on it, there are a few minor things in it that could use a touch up like I feel like they kind of rushed it at the end but it still had a pretty good ending for a rushed ending. But overall I quite enjoyed the movie and I do recommend watching it.

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