Hotel Transylvania | Teen Ink

Hotel Transylvania

December 21, 2015
By mackcummings BRONZE, Georgetown, Delaware
mackcummings BRONZE, Georgetown, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

”When you think of the monster world, your mind conjures up cobwebs and ancient dirt.
However, we wanted to create a place where these monsters would actually wish to vacation” says Bob
Osher, President of Sony Pictures Digital Production. Hotel Transylvania, a must see animated film,
causes laughs and smiles for the entire family.

Hotel Transylvania is a ninety one minute film, directed by Genndy Tartakovsky, who also
directed other major films like Popeye and Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Tartakovsky had a phenomenal
cast for Hotel Transylvania. The film features Adam Sandler, as Dracula, and Selena Gomez, as Dracula’s
daughter Mavis. Additional cast members that are amusing, easy to connect with, and influential to the
film are, Andy Samberg (voice of Jonathon), Kevin James (voice of Frankenstein), Steve Buscemi (voice
of Wayne), and Ceelo Green (voice of Murray).

Hotel Transylvania is a film, assuring you laughter, many scenes even have you laughing
endlessly. Throughout the film much humor is presented in a variety of ways. For example, throughout
the movie Dracula is mocked by both monsters and humans by saying “Bleh, bleh, bleh” while Dracula
claims he doesn’t say such a thing. Also there is a scene in the movie where an old lady swallows a
scooter. This scene made me laugh at how unrealistic and random it is.

Along with humor, there was humor made for more teens and adults and also there
was humor made for younger children.

Hotel Transylvania has material intended for children and other material for teens and adults.
None of the material is inappropriate for the kids, they may just not comprehend what it actually
means. For example, a reference to the book Twilight was made when Dracula said “This is how we’re
represented? Unbelievable.” Even though kids may not get the Twilight humor, there is majority of
humor dedicated to the children. Fart and burp scenes which everyone finds amusing are included.
Furthermore, I think this movie is cute, funny and perfect for the family.

Hotel Transylvania is amusing, heartfelt, and much more, so in order to experience these
emotions you and your family need to watch this movie of a lifetime. This is a movie you can’t nor want
to stop watching and that’s why I adore it so much. The movie obtains a positive influence and you walk
away from the movie portraying that positive influence. This is a film everyone can watch and fall in love
with. In conclusion I highly recommend this film to people of all ages and it is one of the best
movies you will see in a while. Watch this movie and I promise you, you won’t regret it.

The author's comments:

What inspired me to write this piece was that I wanted to try something new. A review is not something in my comfort zone so I wated to challenge myself and see the outcome. Although there is always room for improvement, I was surprised of what I created. I never knew I would be able to write a piece like this and it have any quality or value. I ended up getting a 100% on this at my school. I hope people get from this not only that Hotel Transylvania is a must see classic film, but that you can do anything you put your mind to. Challenge yourself and do something you never thought you could accomplish, you'll be surprised with all the hidden talents you have in store.

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