Juno | Teen Ink


January 13, 2016
By richron BRONZE, Detroit, Michigan
richron BRONZE, Detroit, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

 The movie Juno is a good weird movie, I would rate it 3 stars it doesn’t grab my attention like that. It’s about a 16 year old girl name Juno. A junior at Minnesota High school, Juno get pregnant after one event in a choir with her best friend. Juno best friend name Paulie. At the end they gave the baby to a adoptive couple they was together and they broke up. When Juno was having the baby she only contacts her dad and stepmother Bren about the baby. They gave it away because they couldn’t take care of it. That’s why you always suppose to think and use protection before having a baby, you want have to decide what to do with the baby.

In the movie, Michael Cera and Ellen Page are to High school best friends. Paulie Bleeker and Juno MacGuff had a baby and gave it to an adoptive couple, Jason and Vanessa they were married then they got divorce. Vanessa took the baby; she had to go through a lot to get the baby her and Juno. Sign papers and all that other stuff. Juno gave away the baby because I think she couldn’t take care of the baby at a young age.

Juno is a good movie because Juno is the type of girl that does her own thing and doesn’t care about what others think about her. Juno learned not to get pregnant no more especially not with a one time sexual because they don’t know what they doing her best friend. Juno and Paulie like each other but don’t consider themselves to be boyfriend/girlfriend. They want to be let alone and ready to be a family with a child but that’s not go happen. Although she would rather not be pregnant.

The movie Juno not all that good because Juno told her farther ,step mother and Bren, that she is pregnant but they preferred if she take drugs or get expelled then have a baby. But then again it’s not good giving a baby away to a divorce couple and the baby still unborn child. When the child become older and stuff he/her not goes know who they real parents are because you can’t get contact back once you give it away.

The movie Juno is an “OK” movie. But it’s a good movie to female teenagers. Not to have a baby at the age of 16.You still young in high school barely can support you. The movie weird because they weren’t together and they were just friends.

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