Juno | Teen Ink


January 13, 2016
By Opnovel BRONZE, Detroit, Michigan
Opnovel BRONZE, Detroit, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Juno the 2007 comedy drama movie outstanding movie won a lot of awards like best original screenplay, best picture and so on. I awarded the movie 5 stars and highly recommend this movie. Juno is a great comedy, cool, and drama movie because it’s funny and has a great purpose. Juno was 16 years old still in high school. She had unprotected sex with her best friend Paulie Bleeker. She got pregnant and didn’t go through with adoption so she founded a couple to donate the baby to.

So the main summary of the movie is a 16 year old teenager having unprotected sex. She gets pregnant tell her parents and look for a family to give the baby to. She founded a nice married family Mark and Vanessa who were very wealthy. She gained a very strong relationship with the couple mainly with Mark. Her and Mark listen to music together watched movies and so on. Mark told Juno that he is leaving Vanessa and Juno was heartbroken. She left a note on they door saying if you still in she is too. Juno and Paulie got back together. She had the baby the day of Paulie big track meet so after he won he saw she wasn’t there so he ran all the way to the hospital. After that Vanessa came alone to get her child from the hospital. Juno and Paulie lived happy after that.

Juno is a funny movie because strange things are happening and she always making jokes about it. For example the Paulie Bleeker prom date scene Juno was calling Paulie funny names cussing him out and also talking about his prom date. It’s also a cool and funny movie because when Juno went to meet the parents she adopting the baby to she met Mark and Vanessa. Mark was cool dude who did things Juno liked. They liked movies and music. So she builds a strong relationship with Mark so they would watch movies and crack jokes together.

Juno is a good drama movie because since she pregnant and still in school she have more drama and people to deal with. Everyone in Minnesota high school was talking about her behind her back. She knew people were talking about her behind her back but she just stayed strong and finish through the pregnancy. For example Paulie prom date was talking about Juno and gave Juno the stink face because she was pregnant by him. Although Juno did a great job handling all the drama that she was going through.

Some artistic decisions that I notice by the director are adding funny camera shots. For example like Paulie Bleeker prom date picture. She had a funny stink face in the picture. He added funny rock music that most people don’t like which makes it funny. He also added funny language that Juno used in a funny way.

I understand why other people would say it’s a bad movie. Others would say it’s a bad movie because why would someone make a movie about a teenager having unprotected sex still in high school? I kind of agree that it was a bad move to make and to make it a pg13. It’s telling kids about sex and telling ways you can give a baby away if you get pregnant and some kids shouldn’t know about them things yet. Other than that it’s a very good movie.

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