Juno | Teen Ink


January 13, 2016
By Chelseaelise BRONZE, Detroit, Michigan
Chelseaelise BRONZE, Detroit, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Juno is comedy-drama made in 2007. This movie was directed by Jason Reitman, written by Diablo Cody, produced by mandate pictures and is 96 minutes long. Juno premiered September 8th at an international film festival in Toronto. This movie has also earned an academy award for “Best Original Screenplay” and also 3 nominations for “Best Picture” and “Best Actress” for Ellen Page.

In the movie Juno, also known as the main character, she takes multiple pregnancy tests to find that she is pregnant by her best friend Paulie Bleeker. Later on she tells her friend Leah about her pregnancy and together they find adoptive parents Vanessa and Mark Loring, Jennifer Garner and Jason Bateman. After Leah and Juno find these adoptive parents they then tell Juno’s father, Mac Macguff Played by J.K. Simmons, and her step-mother, Bren Macguff played by Alison Janney. As the movie goes on Juno meets the adoptive parents and becomes very close with Mark. As Juno and Mark’s relation sip grows you can see Mark ad Vanessa’s relationship breaking apart. At the end Vanessa and Mark divorce, but Juno still gives the baby to Vanessa and Juno falls in love with her Best Friend.

Juno was a really good movie. Some things that made this movie good is how the actors played out their characters personality. For example, Ellen Page, who plays Juno plays the casual, not caring attitude while Michael Cerca as Paulie Bleeker plays the shy, timid personality. Another thing that made the movie good was the social issue, which was teen pregnancy.

I understand some people may believe this isn’t a good movie. They may feel this way for many reasons such as they don’t connect with the movie, the personality of the characters or the message it sends to teens about teen pregnancy, however I still believe this was a good movie because of Juno’s attitude, the plot and the movies views on teen pregnancy. I would recommend this movie to someone who I think would relate to it or someone who likes comedy movies. I say this because I feel like Juno was made for people who valued comedy in the movies they watched and I think they would enjoy this. I personally don’t think I would have been interested in this movie while it was in theaters because I’m more attracted to horror and action movies but overall I really enjoyed watching it.

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