Iron Man 3 | Teen Ink

Iron Man 3

March 2, 2016
By Anonymous

Action packed, high tech, and Robots,Well if you haven't guessed yet i’m talking about my favorite movie Iron Man 3. Well in the first 2 movies Tony stark, a weapons master creates giant missiles that will devastate a whole state like Texas. About half way through
his convoy gets ambushed and stark is held captive in a cave with a professor where stark has some scrap metal very close to his heart, and if the scrap metal gets to his heart he will die instantly.

My favorite part of movies are when all the action kicks in it gets me going on what is going to happen next and I try to guess but i’m mostly wrong. now some people are like well if it’s just a war then i’m not interested, but this isn’t just a war this is a war with practically invincible people and about 75 of Tony Stark’s robots. Let’s say you shoot the guy in the chest, well it would just replenish just the way it was previously.

Now following all the action there is a lot of high tech equipment in this movie. When Tony Stark was in the war in the first movie and he got some scrap metal close to his heart. Now Tony Stark being a weapons master, knew how to make a magnet that would keep the scrap metal from moving, so he makes what he calls a “Arc Reactor”. The Arc Reactor is a two in one type of deal, it takes precise placement of a few materials he found and it also stores energy so he doesn't have to carry around a lead car battery to keep him alive. He has a GPS system in his suits that lets him call for one or all of his robots at any period anywhere and will get to him in 5-10 minutes depending on his destination. And last off you have the guy who made the invincible people, Aldrich Killian. Now at the end of Iron Man 2 there are only 118 elements. At the end he makes a super suit that with his current arc reactor it’ll only run for fifteen to twenty minutes so he needs to make a bigger and better one. So he goes to his father’s shop. His dad was working on a new element that combines energy with water and makes a nearly infinite amount of energy.

Now my favorite part of any movie is when there get to be robots. Tony’s best friend is his robot Jarvas. Jarvas is a computer ai that is coded with trillions of words or phrases to say back to Stark to keep him company or to even help him with building his robots, Jarvas will look online for anything in a second with a 35 Petaflop cpu,which is the fastest cpu any computer has ever had.

What happens when you get bored do you just sit at home and build robots all night long, well Tony Stark did he kept looking for way to improve his robots. Well when Tony gets bored he get carried away with what he was working on and let’s say Stark worked for 75 hours straight and didn’t sleep and that went on for weeks and he ended up making around 75 robots improving every single one

Now Action packed, high tech, and robots are my three favorite things , robots are by far my favorite because i’ve been in lego robotics since I was in 4th grade and I barely knew anything, After five years I learned stuff like how to use gears and how to program your robot to do certain things. Like throwing a ball and moving ten feet then turning left I can do that in a matter of minutes.

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