Skyfall | Teen Ink


March 2, 2016
By YouWillNeverKnow SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
YouWillNeverKnow SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“The name’s Bond……. James Bond”. One of the best movie lines of all time. I love 007 movies, but the one that tops the list has to be “Skyfall”. “Skyfall” is just chalked with action, adventure, and little bit of mystery. So I am going to talk about all good things in the movie and a few bad things in the movie. Without further ado, let’s get started with why I like the movie “Skyfall”.

For me, every good movie has to have a ton of action for example, in the opening scene in the movie James is chasing a guy on top of a building riding a motorcycle. Then he bursts through a window and BOOM! They are now in a mall going up and down the hallways. After about five minutes of driving on motorcycles the bad guy crashes into a fruit stand and then there is a huge firefight. It is pretty entertaining and then of course he gets away and jumps on a train and Bond is right there with him. So now they are on top of a train taking huge swings at each other. Slam! They have to duck or else their head would have been sliced clean off. After the tunnel, you guessed it, back to more fighting when all of the sudden…… Bond falls off the bridge into the river, but from what? This is only in the opening scene. Right after Bond falls off the bridge comes another reason why I love “Skyfall”, adventure.

Into the water he goes and further and further down stream he goes. It never really says where he ends up but it is a very creepy place. Nor does it say how he got back to MI6 in London. That’s alright because right into the next scene he is in a car traveling to Shanghai, China to track down a killer. He also happens to be the man he was fighting on the train. Bond follows him into a skyscraper. For him to blow his cover he jumps under the elevator he is riding up. The killer goes into a very large room where he sets up his gun on a tripod. He aims his scope and BOOM!!! He kills the killer but who is the killer? After he shoots the gun Bond grabs him and throws him right off the building and goes right back to MIT as if nothing happened. The second he gets back comes a ton of mystery.

Some MI6 agents just start getting killed all around him. He doesn’t know why they are or why the haven’t killed him yet. Bond has never dealt with a criminal this smart. The criminal has Bond go on a huge treasure hunt around London. But no criminal can hide his identity for a long time and he finally came out of the shadows. And happens to be an older MIT agent so he knows everything about MIT. It was a very scary time for Bond knowing that people are out there trying to kill you, but James Bond ?always survives and ended up killing him at the end of the movie.
So these reasons is why I love the movie “Skyfall”. Any good movie for my has to have action, adventure, and just a little bit of mystery. On November 6th 2015 there is a new James Bond movie coming out called “Spectre”. Judging from all of ads I have seen I think it will be a very good movie and I cannot wait to go see it.

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