The Notebook | Teen Ink

The Notebook

March 15, 2016
By dharma_wiest BRONZE, Vauxhall, Other
dharma_wiest BRONZE, Vauxhall, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

 “If you’re a bird, I’m a bird.” The movie “The Notebook” is a heart-wrenching and good old fashioned love story directed by Nick Cassavetes. This film was released June 25th the year of 2004. Starring Ryan Gosling (Noah Calhoun) and Racheal McAdams (Allie).  The film is based in the 1940’s located in South Carolina. It’s about a poor country boy and rich city girl that share such an extraordinary love throughout the film, but Allie’s parents do not approve of their relationship. Towards the middle of the movie, Noah goes off and serves in World War II, which puts an end to their astonishing loving relationship and James Marsden who plays Lon Hammond known as Allies future fiancé gets in the way. It then takes the couple to realize their love is anything but over. 

This film all starts when Noah goes to a nursing home and enters a room with a beautiful old women known as Allie, and reads  her an extraordinary love story. Little does Allie know that the story is about their love when they were younger. Noah is doing this to try to regain Allies memory of her past. When Noah is reading to Allie, the story takes you back to the 1940’s and shares their beautiful loving and sometimes stubborn but cute relationship. What will end up happening? Will Allie regain her memory or will it still remain lost? Rated PG-13.

The author's comments:

The Notebook is my ultimate favouite movie. I thought it was cute and i feel the film teaches you how to stable a relationship after watching it all. 

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