Struck by Lightning | Teen Ink

Struck by Lightning

May 24, 2016
By lanekirkpatrick SILVER, Carbondale, Colorado
lanekirkpatrick SILVER, Carbondale, Colorado
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Struck by Lightning written and starring Glee sensation Chris Colfer, leads its viewers through the life of 17 year-old Carson Phillips, a smart, witty, and talented writer who dreams of attending Northwestern University, and thus escaping his almost always absent father, unstable alcoholic mother, incompetent classmates, teachers, college counselor and just about everything else within three thousand miles of him.

His entire hometown of Clover, California seems to be against him and standing in the way of nearly anything he wishes to achieve. It is this that leads Carson to become progressively more and more frustrated with everyone in his life until he reaches his breaking point.

After the writers' club’s (a school club which Carson is president of and cares almost exclusively for) homecoming float is stripped down by cheerleaders and jocks who have taunted him years, Carson is forced to drag both the float and Malerie (Carson’s only companion/side kick played by the brilliant Rebel Wilson) across the field while the entire crowd points and laughs. This is the last straw in Carson’s hay barrel of a life and for the first time Carson along with Malerie take action.

Together they blackmail everyone in student council, the writers' club, teachers and almost anyone else who’s ever spited them. At the end of the story the audience catches up to the opening scene, and watches for a second time as Carson is struck and killed by a bolt of lightning in the school parking lot after experiencing pure joy for the first time in his life.

Overall the film is both well acted and written with a captivating story and heart that forces all who watch to sympathize with Carson and relate to his somewhat misguided journey to happiness.

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