Friday the 13th | Teen Ink

Friday the 13th

March 18, 2009
By Parker Mackmin BRONZE, Rochester, New York
Parker Mackmin BRONZE, Rochester, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

This horror filled movie is about a phyco killer who is getting revenge for what they did to his mother. This movie is split into two parts. The intro is about 45 minutes long. In the intro it starts of with 6 cambers (but not for long) and 2 of the people want to go explore around. Also one other goes into the woods to go to the bathroom. While he is out he finds the drugs that they were looking for when they got there. Before he gets a chance the person gets killed. Eventually all die in a horrible manor except one''

Here's the second part. A bunch of college students stay the weekend at one kid's father's house.
They then find out that a killer is lose in the forest, but it's too late to leave. Most of them die because of Jason but, two. The two kill him by strangling him and throw him into the lake but, that's not the end of him. 3 seconds later he jumps out of the water and grabs the girl.

The cast of Friday the 13th was Jason (Derek Mears), Clay (Jared Padalecki), Jena (Danielle Panabaker), Whitney (Amanda Reghetti), Trent (Travis Van Winkle), Chewie (Aaron Yoo), Wade (John Sadowski), Bree (Juliana Guill), Richie (Ben Feldman), Lawrence (Arlen Escarpeta), Nolan (Rryan Hansen), and Chelsea (Willa Ford). The conflict of the movie was that Jason was killing too many people and had to be stopped. My opinion on this movie is it was an enjoyable movie. The Best part in this movie was the killing and how he did it. The bad thing was that the setting of were they died made it obvious how they were going to die last but not least I give it five stars out of five

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