Tell Me How I Die | Teen Ink

Tell Me How I Die

November 22, 2017
By vivian._moyster BRONZE, Brooklyn, New York
vivian._moyster BRONZE, Brooklyn, New York
4 articles 1 photo 0 comments

One injection, and all you can see is...yourself, clawing at your own throat, gasping for air, drowning in an endless pool of water, or perhaps killing yourself because the fear was just too much. They’re not hallucinations, more like visions of the future. Once you’re in, you can never get out. The superb thriller movie, Tell Me How I Die, written by James Hibberd and directed by DJ Viola, captures the story of a group of college students who participate in a clinical trial to earn some money only to find out how they die in a series of unconventional visions. Though this movie hasn't gotten a lot of popularity since its release in September of 2016, it is definitely one of the most exhilarating and exceptional films of the year.

The movie does a marvelous job at placing unusual details and clues throughout the movie that initiates suspense. For example, the plot begins at a peculiar building where all the patients of the clinical trial have to stay. The building where the clinical trial takes place is disconnected from any other locations. The building is very dimly lit and small which adds to the eerie mood. The bizarre setting intimidates the audience and brings about excitement. When dialogue amongst the five characters about the trial and their insights initiate, conversations alarm and build up shock that extends throughout the entirety of the movie. Some characters begin talking about their own experience with visions and their ability to see the future, and others don't know what to believe anymore.

The quick pace means every minute is action filled and everything happens at once, getting your heart racing and your blood boiling which makes it one of the best thriller movies. Transitions between scenes are rapid. One scene is often left at a cliffhanger and transitions to another. All the scenes connect and flow well and adds to the already action filled plot, as they try to escape and leave the building where the killer, Pascal, lies.

Actors Ethan Peck, Nathan Kress, Kirby Blanton, Virginia Gardner, William Mapother, and Ryan Higa precisely display the horror and thrill in the movie. Though this movie is a more low production and low budget, the acting was incredible. Actor Ryan Higa, who plays Scratch, actually has over sixteen million subscribers on Youtube where he makes skits and funny videos. Each character's acting and vivid visions on the future is portrayed throughout the movie which displays a huge amount of insight and emotion of each character even beyond the screen. Anna, the main character, does the clinical trial because she was in need of money for college. Anna is a very curious, rebellious and gullible person. Den, a guy Anna becomes close with is very shy but caring guy, as he protects and attempts to rescue Anna. Kristen, another college girl in the clinical trial portrays that of a stereotypical blonde. Kristen follows everyone else and is oblivious most of the time, all she knows is , is that she doesn't want to die. Scratch is very different from the other characters, he is quick on his feet and is extremely intelligent. All the characters try to work together to escape the terrible mess they got themselves into.

As each character scrambles to outsmart and outmaneuver their death, and realize that the killer shares the same ability to see the future, maybe you’ll get some petrifying visions yourself Or maybe you’re just scrambling in your seat dying to find out if anyone survives...


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