Review on Kanye west's album | Teen Ink

Review on Kanye west's album

February 26, 2024
By Girdbug BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
Girdbug BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When I was around eleven years old sitting in the car with my sister a song came on the radio it was “On Sight” by Kanye West. This was the first time I had heard a rap-style song even though it had some hip-hop aspects it was still my first Kanye rap song. I went on to listen to the rest of Kanye West’s album “Yeezus” and in my opinion, it has a sort of individually entertaining style to it. Today I am going to be talking about the Album more specifically the rap style it has, the different Beats, the good vocals, and the many solid features included. 

I'm gonna start with rap-style music and what comes with that. First the use of poetic-type lines. Which is commonly heard in rap music they are usually written in a poetic style format and have a poetic feel when said or heard. They use rhyming and repetition to keep the song in a constant flow like a waterfall or a river this makes the music line up and sound smoother. Secondly the speed change from rap music. Rap music is most commonly associated with singing or saying stuff at a high speed. Well, this is not always the case because in this album many times Kanye will slow down to keep the music at a smooth stream so the listener can hear his poetic-type verses. 

Rap music is overall built on the beat and Kanye can show that. Samples are very common in songs such as“Bound 2”, In this song, He uses the song “Bound” by the Ponderosa Twins Plus One; This sample influenced the beats used but wasn’t the whole song he made his vocals and didn’t completely copy theirs. Next, the beats them selfs Kanye is a different type of artist he doesn’t just stick to one style of music like others do he has a very split-up plate of music he’ll drop down low and use lots of bass or slide up high which allows him to grow a very diverse fan group. This album is no exception he switches up the beat many times and that's why it's prevalent and commonly heard today.

Songs like rap or even others aren’t good with just beats they have got to use some amazing vocals. Firstly the song “New Slaves” which is a song in the Album and is also extremely popular is a prime example of using good vocals to guide the beat around. The line “Like the new world order…” shines a light on the problem of big corporations taking over the people and the smaller businesses. In return, this adds to the beat and the theme of the song.  Another commonly used vocal trick is vocal sound changes like going high or going low. Within this album, he uses this highly in many different ways. Such as back in “Bound 2” the listener would hear a high-sounding voice followed by the beat changing and the guy signing in a different tone.

The voice switch-up is even used by some of the features which can sometimes make or break the song. Let's start with Frank Ocean in the song “New Slaves”. We used this in the past paragraph but it's a great example for this as well. Frank Ocean has a smooth and sweet voice of which he is known for. This song is no exception he uses his vocal talents to guide as well as being in the beat-making department and creating an expertly made work of art. Next, I will talk about Chief Keef in the song “Hold My Liquor”. Chief Keef is known for his outgoing personality and his loud rap style he shows that here with masterpieces of verses. They show character and make the song with how Chief Keef raps them. 

To end this essay let's go over what we talked about. I explained about Kanye West’s album “Yeezus” and the rap style used and how it is poetic, the different beat work done with samples included, the vocal sounds made, and the features. In my opinion, this is a rap album for the ages and is individually entertaining because this has to be your style of music to like the album. Whether it's now or back when I was eleven in that car listening to “On Sight” there will always be a spot in my heart for the album and I hope that there will be more like it in the upcoming album “Vultures”.

The author's comments:

Kanye is in my top 3 all-time personally and will always be even though we've been through a rough patch these last couple of years I've tried to enjoy the music in its own greatness. "Yeezus" is not his best but still one of my favorites and this is my review. 

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