Linkin Park - Minutes to Midnight | Teen Ink

Linkin Park - Minutes to Midnight

October 24, 2007
By Shamoyia Gardiner SILVER, Miami, Florida
Shamoyia Gardiner SILVER, Miami, Florida
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Looking back on the reviews I've heard about Linkin Park's new album, 'Minutes to Midnight', I've come to one conclusion: its mob psychology. Maybe, in the beginning, there were a few people who listened to the album and thought to themselves, "Hey, this isn't right. This isn't the Linkin Park I know. The Linkin Park I know expresses their views with more hardcore feeling. This isn't the same. This isn't Linkin Park. This is awful." And so it began. One high-power person says that it sucks, and everyone else follows. I mean, the opinion of a couple people can't be wrong, right?

Um, yeah they can. Honestly people, just because you can't mosh to 95% of the album does not make it a bad one. "Oh yeah, there are only, like, two or three good songs on the album." Correction. There are only, like, two or three songs on the album that sound like the 'Meteora' and 'Hybrid Theory' Linkin Park. The last time I checked, artists, especially musical artists, are allowed to re-create themselves. Do you expect them to fit the mold of 'Numb' people who take everything 'From the Inside' and 'Bleed It Out' because 'Nobody's Listening'? If that's what you expect, then what you want to do is put them 'In Between' and tug them this way and that until they're left 'In Pieces'.

What the public should do is commend them, because we all know that it's 'Easier to Run' than to stand and face the mindless insults everyone is hurling at them. But they still stand there, heads and 'Hands Held High' taking everything the critics, their followers, and the media throw at them, after they worked so hard and so long on a new album. After they tried so hard to find the best way to express themselves and please their fans. But fans don't appreciate all that they go through for the music. Fans want them to bend over backwards and stay the same forever.

Well, those fans shouldn't even call themselves such. Take this into consideration; their lyrics still make sense, they haven't resorted to whining about petty problems in life, and they care about the quality of the music and the messages they're trying to get across. I understand the people that like the vibe their old songs gave off, feelings reminiscent of 'A Place for My Head' and 'One Step Closer'. I miss that too. But softer rock doesn't make it suckier rock.

Personally, I enjoy listening to the album, because I listen for more than the beat and melody. I look for the message. And on the 'Minutes to Midnight Album', I found one that I can identify with. Listen closely, and if you're really a fan, you'll understand what I mean, whether or not you agree with me.


This article has 2 comments.

on Nov. 15 2009 at 6:43 pm
Cimerax_[ZCG], Kokomo, Indiana
0 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: It goes on."-Robert Frost

I personally love MTM.

Maybe that's because I like more than one type of music.

on Oct. 4 2008 at 1:02 am
Their lyrics, which were bearable before, have become even worse. Their guitar work has gotten even simpler. Even their drummer, the best of the bunch, has gotten worst. Overall, new LP is terrible.