Death Cab for Cutie - "Transatlantisim" | Teen Ink

Death Cab for Cutie - "Transatlantisim"

December 21, 2007
By Anonymous

"Death Cab for Cutie: Transatlantisim"

There's never a really definitive way to describe Indie Rock sensation Death Cab for Cute. Their style seems to sprout right from the Beatle's Across the Universe and I am The Walrus, taking the flowing, hallucinatory feel and molding it, making it their own.

This is what they do in their sixth album, Tranatlanticism- easy listening that's hard to pronounce. You don't have to do much while tuning in, just relax and listen to the lyrics and songs that begin to fold into one another. Some are upbeat, some are appropriately melancholy- loud, soft, angry, sad, hurt and healed- it takes you through a kaleidoscopic range of tempers.

The lyrics, some seemingly nonsensical and others perfectly clear, are done in a smooth, almost careless tone. The singer meanders through each song with cool detachment, tone and melody clashing just enough to be artistic. They paint a picture with their words- captivating the listeners under their spell until the very end of the song.

So if you're looking for an album that's a touch of something different, something cliched, and something beautiful, take a look at Transatanticism- it might just be what you're looking for.


This article has 1 comment.

Oliviaw BRONZE said...
on Jun. 26 2010 at 12:49 pm
Oliviaw BRONZE, West Cola, South Carolina
4 articles 0 photos 62 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Screwed down for life." ---Iowa Bob, The Hotel New Hampshire

This was a beautiful album.